
Projectors For Camping Activities

Summer will soon be upon us and many families will be heading to campgrounds to enjoy some quality time together. During the day your family can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities from swimming to horseback riding. But come sundown, you may be looking for things to do.

Take with you a portable projector for tons of evening fun! Here are a few things you can do if you have a projector and screen set up at your campsite.

·         Movie Night – Enjoy an array of entertaining movies after the sun goes down. For easy viewing, you’ll want to make sure your projector offers lots of light (that is over 2000 lumens) and HD capability for better imaging and clear resolution.
·         Video Games – Have a video game contest. Play a variety of games outdoors with a projector and screen. To do this, your projector will need to have an HDMI connection for your video player.
·         Photographs – Go through the family album on the big screen. What fun it will be to view photos of your closest friends and relatives on a large screen! 
·         There are no “outdoor” projectors on the market today. However, there are many that meet all of the above criteria which are lightweight and hardy enough to go from indoors to outdoors. This includes:

Tronfy Projectors can give you a wonderful football event. Mini led projector, small handheld Home Cinema Theater Projector,Wireless Projector are coming for you!

This article originally by Tronfy.com

